All information about the Visa’s in East Africa Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt.
We entered Zambia from the Kariba border and paid 50 USD for our visa (Netherlands and Turkey), valid for 30 days and single entry. Multiply entry costs 80 USD.
Better to do, buy the KAZA visa, see our blog for that.
If you only visit the Victoria falls from Zimbabwe the is a daily visa which costs 20 USD.
Prices are for all European passports as well.
We also paid for road and carbon tax. They are expensive for motorcycles.
We got our visa’s in advance in Lusaka at the Malawi embassy, apply in the morning and collect in the afternoon.
You need 1 passport photo and a passport copy. Costs of the visa is 75 USD for all European, US, Australia and Turkish passport.
Visa on arrival for Tanzania, costs are 50 USD for all nationalities except US they pay 100 USD. The visa is valid for 90 days and single entree; a multiple entrée visa costs 100 USD for all nationalities including US.
Visa on arrival for Rwanda, costs are 30 USD for almost all nationalities.(Indonesia, Malaise are free we know) The visa is valid for 30 days and single entree; a multiple entrée visa costs 100 USD on the door.
If you visit their website multiple visa price is 60 USD to online apply. They have transit visa for 3 days but same price with single entree, 30 days.
Better to do; buy the East Africa Visa.
Apply online and pay online, you print the papers and just go to the border. Costs are 50 USD for all nationalities. The visa is valid for 30 days and single entrée.
Better to do; buy the EATV.
Visa on arrival for Kenya, costs are 50 USD for European and Turkish passport. The visa is valid for 30 days and single entrée. A multiple entrée visa costs 100 USD
Better to do; buy the East Africa Visa.
If you are overlander you should check out border crossing and bribe note as well.
We got our Ethiopian visa in Nairobi (Kenya), it is one of the hardest visa’s to get on our route but I think we got lucky and had a very quick. You need to have a letter of introduction from your embassy, this is because they want you to apply in your home country. But for a lot of people like us this is not possible as we are for a long time on the road.
This is what you need;
- Letter of introduction
- passport copy
- Passport photo
When you apply you need to fill in a paper, they ask for a address in Ethiopia and all your personal details. Also they want to know all countries you visited in Africa and your next destinations.
Costs for the visa are;
1 month 40 USD
3 months 60 USD
6 months 90 USD
The amount you need to pay at the bank, you get the details when you apply in the embassy.
All visa’s are single entree, they didn’t want to give us a multiple entree ( we did ask for it).
We got our visa on the same day!
Note, the visa starts the day you apply!
We got our Sudanese visa in Addis Ababa, it went really easy and we got it in 24 hours.
This is what you need for the visa;
- Passport copy
- 2 passport photos
- copy from your Ethiopian visa
- hotel reservation and a contact at the hotel (not from the hotel itself).
The costs are 68 USD (only cash in USD) for a 1 month visa, the is a 14 days transit visa as well but that costs the same.
Note, the visa starts the day you apply!
We made a short video for our Africa journey, roads, life… We hope that you like to watch :
Very helpful. Love your website and follow you faithfully
Thanks 🙂