After many years to be a solo backpacker I think that I learn how make backpacking packing list, especially for camping because i have been sleeping in a tent and cooking myself.
Are you planning a backpack travel to cheap way? So, you will go to camp most likely, also cook yourself. I believe that camping gears / equipment is one of the most important things for a backpacker. Because they can take a lot of space in the backpack also they can be so heavy which we don’t like so much when carry our backpack. 🙂 So, please
Before start to buy anything first, plan a little your travel in your mind to:
-Are you going hiking, climbing or trekking?
-Do you plan to camp for weekends or short travels?
-Are you making a plan for a long journey?
-How often will you set up a tent?
-Can you go camping every season or just for summer?
-Do you really like to be in a tent and enjoy the camp? Or is this only for cheapest way for you to travel?
They are just example questions for you. Before start to search your camping gears please, make sure what you really need!
Backpacking packing list to camping gear
Let’s start with a tent:
I asked all questions myself before buy any camping equipment. I was going on a long trip to South America alone. When I searched about the continent what I could do there. Patagonia was number one on my list after that the Amazon river and rain forest. Also, Lencois Maranhenses was looking like incredible. It was means; I was going to a very hot place, long walking distance also hiking and a little bit climbing. Patagonia and Salar De Uyuni could be cold but not crazy. I could see 0-5 degrees in the night but just for a couple of days.

Amazon river boat journey, Brazil
I decided that I need a tent, which must be light for hiking and long walk, easy pack and set up, when it is hot I don’t want t burn inside or when it is cold I don’t want to get frozen. So three season tent could be great for me. Also, need to be good for rain because long travel means you will see different seasons and you will hit rain. It could be great if I can have a freestanding tent. So much rain or so much sun on the beach, I can open only rain protects part I don’t need the inside tent. It can be like an umbrella to protect me from the sun or rain. J I was solo backpacker therefore one-person tent can be great right? Not for me! I would like to have a little more space inside if I must stay in the tent all day. Also I prefer put my backpack inside the tent. That’s why; I wanted to have a two-person tent.

Lencois Maranhenses, Brazil
When I was searching I found a lot of brands and a lot different prices. Some was really cheap some was definitely out of my budget. I want to have a good one to use many years. Don’t buy every year a new one because it goes useless. In a couple of years how much I paid tents I could have new one. Also the help center or customer service is important for me. One company can look to sell their stuff and than when you have a problem you never reach the help center or never turn back to you. Other companies are always there to help you. It doesn’t matter where you are because they like their brand and customers 🙂
After all my searched I choose only three companies and five different tents. Before I buy I wanted to see it. Sometimes they can look different on Internet. I found some camping shop around and visited them. I could see only three of them which I like.
You need to choose your tent what you want to have. I don’t want to tell you a brand or average price because can be change why you are looking for a tent. I just wanted to write how I choose mine to help you a little bit. I have been using many year Big Agnes tents. When I was alone I had one and after that we had another one for our motorcycle journey. 🙂
How can you choose correct sleeping bag and mattress?
After decide what do you need? Why do you need? You can look for it.
I have been using my sleeping bag more than 4 years. I had 3-season sleeping bag like my tent and bought a light one. So I am fine until 15 degrees after that I must wear my thermal clothes. If the degree goes less than 5 I have really trouble for it. But I go rarely a trip in winter time and sleep in a tent with snow. 🙂 After our Africa journey we could have new one, which I look for 4-season and light sleeping bag. Because we will hit snow somewhere in USA.

Ilha Grande, Brazil
So, I suppose that you can easily have guess that I/we have three-season mattress. 🙂 I don’t know we can call a mattress 3 or 4 season. But we have air mattress. Also when I was backpacker I stayed a lot in the tent. I wanted to have thick sleeping pad because of comfort. And I bought large not regular size. Why? Go to sleep after all day hiking, trekking…etc. carry my backpack. I want to feel al little comfortable and that I am in a bed. 🙂
Cooking Stuff:
I suppose you need some kitchen equipment or basic extra camping stuff as well. We are on the motorcycles now but it doesn’t mean that we can carry everything it doesn’t important kilograms. No, it is important! Because a heavy motorcycle is not good on the mud, in the sand or when crossing a river.
Let’s check together camping gears what i have….
If you have any questions just write I would like to answer.