When I was backpacker I didn’t worried that much my passport to I can lose it but now I have to take care my driver license and motorcycle register as well.
When we came to Africa we hear a lot of stories about bribes. (Good thing, we did not pay any bribes yet) For example, they took driver license or register and didn’t give back until people paid money in some checkpoints. Other exam, they took the driver license in the office to write detail, after 30 minutes later they said that they lost it. Common how can possible! But it is true.
Easy way, you should have an extra fake one :). You should make a colorful copy of your vehicle register and driver license on a thick paper. After that make it plastification. So just make a copy of your documents. We have been carrying copy of register and driver license in our pocket when we ride. Most of the time, the checkpoint just wants to see our documents. They can check and than we can keep continue. Most border crossings we use the original one. (Depends on how much they have bribe) To be honest, we are in Africa 15 months now and only one checkpoint wanted to see original documents. 🙂
But please never ever do this in Europe, North America or Australia you can have serious problem! Anyway, you don’t need second documents in these continents to safe your paper. 🙂
Also, carry a copy of your documents, which are passport info page, driver license, vehicle register…etc. Most borders wants to have also some checkpoints want to have it.
Another note; have a photo of your documents send to yourself by email. If you lose them the photo or email can be more helpful when you are in the embassy or consulate.
We made a short video for our Africa journey, roads, life… We hope that you like to watch :